The Hunt for Red October… Well Not Exactly.
The Seattle Post Intelligencer reported on Tuesday that Seattle police found themselves in a very strange pursuit for over 2 hours trying to catch a naked man swimming in the city’s Green Lake. This “slippery suspect” who has yet to be identified allegedly tackled two teens, 16-year-old girl and her brother Daniel Gonzalez, 19, breaking Gonzalez’s finger, before undressing and jumping into Green Lake. Seattle police officers stated that the suspect claimed to be a Travis Cunningham, age 32. No records have been found under that name.
After around an hour of swimming and evading police boats, the suspect took the police up on an offer of a life jacket. At one point during the daring attempted escape the man swam to an Island called “Duck Island” where he continued to evade police officers in a thicket of prickly blackberry bushes.
One of the victims, Daniel Gonzalez, who was attacked by the suspect, stated that “He pretty much just attacked me from behind. I didn’t even see it coming”. A witness of this entire ordeal, Betty Atkinson said the alleged attack was surprise. “The guy came out of the trees like a football linebacker. There was no warning whatsoever”. Before the police got to the scene of the crime concerned citizens chased the man around the lake with no success. It was when the police arrived when the man undressed and jumped into the lake. There is currently no information available regarding any charges the suspect maybe facing.
Check Out The Entire Video Of This Daring Water Based Police Chase Below…